NZFVC Survey of regional family violence and sexual violence networks

The New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse is doing a survey about regional family violence and sexual violence networks. People who coordinate these networks have been invited to fill out a survey. This webpage has information about the survey and the work the Clearinghouse is doing.

Who is this survey for?

This survey is for people who coordinate or organise regional family violence and sexual violence networks. Networks are a coordinated group (either formal or informal) of individuals and organisations with a shared focus on addressing family, whānau and sexual violence. Examples include family violence networks funded by the Ministry of Social Development (previously known as Te Rito networks) and other networks working to address violence in their communities. If your network does not have a coordinator, one person can answer the survey for your network. If more than one person coordinates the network, fill out the survey only once for your network.

Who is doing this survey?

The New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse (NZFVC) is running this survey. Staff at NZFVC will read and summarise the responses to the survey. NZFVC is collecting this information to write a report for Te Puna Aonui. 

What is this survey about?

Te Puna Aonui wants to know more about how to strengthen and expand regional networks to provide communities opportunities to share and plan together ways to implement and monitor Te Aorerekura. This work was identified by the Systems Working Group as part of Te Aorerekura Action 5 and is part of building understanding across government and the family and sexual violence sectors about working together on the implementation and monitoring of Te Aorerekura. 

The focus of this survey does not indicate ongoing funding for family violence networks currently funded under the Ministry of Social Development.

What about privacy?

The survey is confidential. Your individual responses will not be shared. If you share identifiable information, this will not be shared beyond the NZFVC. We will group information and responses so individuals and individual networks cannot be identified. You can skip any questions you do not want to answer.

Is there help to complete the survey?

Your feedback is important to us. Let us know if you would like to do the survey in a different format or would like help completing the survey.

When do I need to complete the survey

The survey is open now until 28 July 2023 extended to 7 August 2023. It will take about 20 minutes to do the survey. You can stop and come back to your saved responses on the survey. You need to finish the survey by 7 August 2023 28 July 2023.

Have questions?

If you have questions about this survey or want to give us feedback in a different way, email Megan Sety at the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse.