Shine RESPOND - Level 3 - Advanced 2-day training: understanding social entrapment
Date and time
22-23 October 2024, 9am-4pm
Shine Training Centre, Ground Floor, 409 New North Rd, Kingsland, Auckland
Organised by
This Shine RESPOND training is structured to build a deeper understanding of the entrapment model of family violence presented in Levels 1 and 2.
Listing of training and other events does not constitute endorsement by the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse. Information is as provided by the organiser. For further information or queries about training or events, please contact the organiser using the links or contact details provided.
Over the two days Shine RESPOND will bring together experts from Shine’s services alongside guest speakers who are specialists in their respective fields. Each speaker will provide expert insight into different elements of the entrapment model. Throughout this training, there will be opportunities to build comprehension and confidence to recognise and mitigate entrapment in ways that uphold dignity and build on safety for people experiencing family violence.
Prerequisite: Level 2 Foundational Skills Training or relevant on the job knowledge or experience.
Learning Objectives:
Further develop an understanding regarding concepts of coercive control, entrapment and resistance which inform a response-based approach
Explore the complexity of risk and safety for people experiencing violence, and ways of responding that uphold dignity and wellbeing
Understand the broader societal contexts that are present for people who are experiencing domestic violence: including awareness of cultural perceptions, dynamics of gender, rainbow communities (LGBTQI) and people with disabilities
Discuss change pathways for men who use violence
Develop and maintain safe practice.
To find other training provided by Shine RESPOND, visit their Training and Education Services page
For any queries about training, contact