Risk Analysis and Safety Strategising: A Whole of Person Approach

Date and time

  • 9-11 September 2024, 1-3:30pm



Organised by

ECLIPSE Family Violence Services



The ECLIPSE Risk Analysis & Safety Strategising. A Whole of Person Approach training has been developed to encourage people who work with whānau experiencing family violence to also consider, beyond the immediate risk indicators, the continuum of harm, and to recognise cumulative impact and acts of resistance.

Attendees of this course will:

  • Be introduced to the concept of victim-survivor resistance and ECLIPSE's Whole of Person Approach.

  • Have a greater understanding of how to analyse risk, consider the cumulative impact of harm, and identify other unseen areas of harm (such as retaliatory violence and gang association).

  • Develop insight into protective factors and safety strategies victim-survivors utilise to keep themselves and their whānau safe.

  • Learn about how to undertake safety strategising and safety planning.

  • Grow in awareness and knowledge of the dynamics of family violence and how you can respond in a more empathetic manner.

For all quereis, please contact the organiser.

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