Queer History Month Aotearoa — Pūmahara Ia Te Wā 2024 hui taumata (symposium)


Tuesday 9 July 2024




Online and Taiwhanga Kauhau - Auditorium, National Library Wellington

Organised by

Kawe Mahara Queer Archives Aotearoa and National Library of New Zealand



This symposium will feature queer researchers, historians and activists talking about the importance of preserving and sharing Aotearoa’s iconic, fragile and under-shared queer histories.

The theme for this year’s Queer History Month Pūmahara Ia Te Wā is:

He kitenga kanohi, he hokinga mahara. He kawenga mahara, he hāpori kitea

A familiar face stirs one's memories, a collection of memories is a community seen.


  • 9am — Mihi

  • 9:20am — Opening addresses: Alexander Turnbull Library and Kawe Mahara Queer Archives Aotearoa

  • 9:30am — Poet Laureate Chris Tse

  • 9:35am — USA LGBT History Month 30 years on with Rodney C Wilson

Toitū Te Tiriti

  • 10:20am — Upholding Te Tiriti in community and in the archives with Dr Elizabeth Kerekere and Kevin Haunui

  • 11:30am — Takatāpui and HIV/AIDS histories with Dr Clive Aspin


  • 1:15pm — From LAGANZ to Kawe Mahara with Dr Elizabeth Kerekere

  • 1:30pm — Mana taonga with Kawe Mahara kaitiaki

  • 2pm — Queer activism in Aotearoa with Will Hansen


  • 3pm — Dr Rebekah Galbraith, Rainbow Studies Now organiser, Te Herenga Waka

  • 3:15pm — Dr Welby Ings on Ia: The Rainbow Collection

  • 3:30pm — Dr Patrick Thomsen on The Manalagi Project and Repository

  • 3:45pm — Dr Ashwinee Pendharkar on the Alexander Turnbull Library Contemporary Voices and Archives and PrideNZ.com

  • 4pm — Closing address

Please direct all questions to the organiser.

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