International Indigenous Research Conference 2024



12-15 November 2024


Waipapa Marae, Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland

Organised by

Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga: New Zealand's Māori Centre of Research Excellence


$700.00 ($400.00 for students)

Attend the International Indigenous Research Conference 2024 to explore meaningful partnerships, uphold Indigenous perspectives, and work together to address common challenges.

Information on abstract submission.

IIRC conferences are about empowering Indigenous research, Indigenous researchers and Indigenous communities. 

The theme of the conference is Whītiki Taua : Research Solidarities. “Whītiki Taua” embodies the bond and collective strength within communities, while “Research Solidarities” emphasises collaborative research endeavours within Indigenous contexts. Together, they symbolise the power of solidarity, knowledge sharing, and collective empowerment. Attend the conference to explore meaningful partnerships, uphold Indigenous perspectives, and work together to address common challenges.

All speakers and activities will contribute to the knowledge and understanding of the theme. The dimensions of the conference theme are described below.

Whītiki Taua : Research Solidarities

“Whītiki Taua” is our conference theme. It embodies the bond and collective strength within communities, while “Research Solidarities” emphasises collaborative research endeavours within Indigenous contexts. Together, they symbolise the power of solidarity, knowledge sharing, and collective empowerment. 


  1. Whakamana | Empowerment: Research to amplify diverse Indigenous voices, equitable collaborations, respectful engagements with traditional knowledge, and the cultivation of solutions that honour and elevate Indigenous peoples, rights, and self-determination.

  2. Tika | Justice: Research to catalyse activism, resistance and advocacy for justice, land sovereignty, equity, and policy reform to combat systemic, social, cultural abuse and injustice.

  3. Hauora | Wellbeing: Research to empower Indigenous communities through activism and transformative approaches to address disparities in healthcare access, mental health, and holistic well-being, advocating for responsive and Indigenous-led services, strategies and systemic change.

  4. Rangatiratanga | Sovereignty: Research activism to reclaim and revitalise Indigenous languages and cultural practices, resisting cultural erasure and promoting linguistic and cultural sovereignty for future generations.

  5. Toitū | Sustainability: Research that drives transformative change and resistance against exploitative practices, promoting wise and ethical technological innovations and sustainable development models that empower Indigenous communities.

  6. Tohetohe | Resistance: Research to document, support, and amplify Indigenous-led protest and resistance movements, fostering solidarity networks and coalition-building for collective action and positive outcomes for Indigenous peoples.

Please direct all queries to the organisers:

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