Labour announces family violence policy
Mon 07 Jul 2014
Labour has announced a package of measures it would introduce to address family violence if it was in government. Labour Leader David Cunliffe ...
Labour has announced a package of measures it would introduce to address family violence if it was in government. Labour Leader David Cunliffe announced the policies at the Women's Refuge symposium in Auckland on 4 July. Labour said it would:
- "Provide leadership to eliminate violence against women and children from the Prime Minister down with the lead agency being the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet;
- Adopt a collaborative, resourced, long-term New Zealand Action Plan to Eliminate Violence Against Women and Children in consultation with other parties and the sector;
- Provide $60 million over four years for family and sexual violence to support front line services, primary prevention, and education. This includes increased support for transitional housing;
- Reform the justice system to provide real justice to survivors while protecting the right to be presumed innocent. This includes providing specialist training; and
- Review prosecution guidelines to ensure Police appropriately and consistently arrest and charge offenders, and review the operation of Protection Orders."
It would also allow the Law Commission to complete its review on alternative trial mechanisms and consider reforms.
Women's Refuge Chief Executive Heather Henare welcomed the plan and said Labour Leader David Cunliffe was showing real leadership on the issue.
"I was impressed by his analysis and what he talked about in relation to the frontline, and understanding the complexity of violence out there but also understanding the need for a cross-party approach," she said.
Justice Minister Judith Collins and Social Development Minister Paula Bennett said Labour's annoucement was "throwing money at the issue and a hastily drafted action plan."
Further detail on the package is available on the Labour Party website.
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Image: Nemo