Launch of eSocSci presents new opportunity to share family violence research
Tue 11 Jun 2013
The New Zealand social science website engaged Social Science | Hui Rangahau Tahi (eSocSci) has been launched. eSocSci, powered by user content, ...
The New Zealand social science website engaged Social Science | Hui Rangahau Tahi (eSocSci) has been launched. eSocSci, powered by user content, is an "interactive knowledge space for communicating social science research and bringing together people who have common research interests".
The website integrates the research community Building Research Capability in the Social Sciences Network (BRCSS). The BRCSS website is still available as a record of the acheivements made by the BRCSS network.
eSocSci presents an opportunity for family violence researchers to communicate and collaborate within a shared space. The website's main components, Research, Policy, Networks, Forums and Events, all work to connect researchers together. Ways researchers can use eSocSci include:
- Create a profile within Research to publicise your work and connect with other researchers interested in similiar findings.
- Target an area of demand in the Policy sector by using eSocSci resources and browsing the Calls page which compiles abstracts, panels, papers, proposals or knowledge briefs listed by the closing date.
- Join a Network and tailor eSociSci website features around your research interests, including participating in Forum discussions and Event announcements.
- Submit working papers or completed research to the e-Library for peer review or feedback. Maximise your research impact through discussion in a forum and linking to your research profile.
eSocSci also supports Access Grid based seminars and workshops which are posted within the Networks and Events pages.
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